What activities do you participate in to stay active?
I enjoy running, swimming, cycling and hiking with my family.
How does being active make you feel and why is it important to you?
I feel energized when I’m active and that helps a lot with my mental health. For me, active living has been part of my identity since I was a child, and I want to continue to live an active life with my family.
How do you implement being active into your busy schedule?
It’s important to prioritize active living in our daily schedule. I make sure I find some time during the week to be physically active. What’s more, by including the whole family in various physical activities, it allows me to be active and spend quality time together as a family.
What barriers have you faced or are you currently facing when it comes to being active?
I would say that sometimes lack of motivation and fatigue are the biggest obstacles, but the more active I get, the more motivated I am and the more energy I have.
What motivates you to continue to be active?
I want to be an active role model for my family and friends. I want to do family activities and promote active living to my daughter and daughter-in-law. I know how active living helps with overall health and I want to be active throughout my life.
Do you have a role model and/or would you consider yourself to be a role model to others?
I believe that all people who lead active lives can inspire us. They can share their passions and knowledge to enrich our working lives. Throughout my life, my parents have inspired me without me even knowing it, and now that I have a family of my own, I want to pass on these great values.